NLHS Boys Varsity beats LaFarge 70-49
Both NLHS Girls Basketball teams were defeated by Alma Center Lincoln last night. JV 15-35; Varsity 47-64
School Board meeting tonight at 7:00 p.m. in the school library. All are welcome.
PTC will meet January 22 in Room 115 @ 5:30 p.m.
Strep has made its way into our building. Please keep your child at home until they have seen a doctor, taking antibiotics for at least 24 hours, and are symptom free. Early return causes spreading the disease to other children and staff.
Mrs. Preuss asking ALL parents to be diligent watching their child for influenza symptoms and practice prevention strategies. Please do not send your child to school if they are showing symptoms. They must stay home for 24 hours until ALL symptoms are gone.
NLHS Wrestling BEATS Brookwood 39-36!
NLHS Boys Basketball BEATS Brookwood 81-67.
Mrs. Becker, Elementary Music, takes new position in Necedah.
Junior High Girls Basketball players will have their individual/team photos taken on Monday, January 13 at 3:30. All players should have received an order form from their coach.
Wrestling is HOME tonight at 7:00! Hope to see you there!
No Coffee with Mrs. Baker this month! She looks forward to seeing you Wednesday, February 12th for the next community coffee!
Junior High Wrestlers will have their individual/team photos taken on Thursday, January 9 at 3:30. Order form:
Community Closet donates $2,500 to our athletic complex bringing their total to $10,000.
January Building Readers newsletter
Christmas Break begins tomorrow (December 21) and runs through January 1. School will resume on Thursday, January 2.
Sophomore Student Council reps are selling Christmas cookies 2 for $3. Contact a member to order.
Rudig Jensen donates to the NL Athletic program!
Jason Clark donates money for new girls basketball uniforms.
Bank of Mauston donates $4,450 towards the new softball scoreboard!