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Kelsey Potter
Elementary School Counselor
Elementary School
Hannah Prellwitz
Instrumental Music
Sonja Preuss
School Nurse
Krista Revels
Grade 2
Elementary School
Tracey Rice
Junior High/ High School Art
Heather Ritter
Junior High Mathematics
Junior High School
Andi Robson
CESA 5 IDS Paraprofessional
Elementary School
Beverly Rood
Elementary Music
Elizabeth Rotchford
Elementary School
Janis Rustad
Elementary Art
Elementary School
MIchael St. Aubin
Vocal Music
High School
Erin St. John
Grade 2
Elementary School
Joshua St. John
5th/6th Grade Science
Elementary School
Jessica Schleif
Grade 4
Elementary School
Melissa Schneider
Instructional Support
High School
Stephanie Shankle
Grade 3
Elementary School
Marsha Shilling
Elementary School
Tammy Simmons
High School Mathematics
High School
Jasmine Sparby
5th/6th Grade Math
Elementary School
Paige Splinter
Grade 4
Elementary School